How To Deal With HAIs (Hospitals Acquired Infections)

Hospitals acquired infections (HAIs) are a big threat to patient safety. While they need negligible effort to prevent, many cleaning services are not taking the needed steps to stop Hospital-acquired infections in their tracks. Is your cleaning firm doing everything needed to prevent these risky infections?

What is the definition of Hospital Acquired Infection?

Hospital acquired infections usually happen in patients who need the use of devices such as central lines or catheters. Also, they can progress at surgical sites. A research submitted by the American Medical Association discovered that hospital acquired infection upshot in $9.8 billion dollars a year in medical expenditures, contributing significantly to the increasing cost of healthcare in the US. Hundreds of millions of lives in the United States are lost due to HAIs.

What are the main causes of HAIs?

·         As per the CDC, cleaning your hands frequently is the best way to avoid the spread of infection. Sadly, a report in the Annals of Internal Medicine declared that appropriate hand cleanliness among doctors is only 40 to 60 per cent – on a good day. Doctors are not mere offenders. Patients and nursing staff themselves are not cleaning their hands with a regularity that’ll prevent the infection prior to it spreads.

·         While the medical floors aren’t categorized as a highly touched surface, many highly touched items come in touch with the floor itself. These objects may include anything from blood pressure cuffs to the call buttons employed by patients to call nursing staffs.

·         Open wards, in which more than one patient beds dwell can dramatically augment the danger of HAIs, making them to spread quickly among patients. Customizing the design of hospital wards is a critical step to prevent infections. In the UK, where one in fifteen patients are affected by hospital-acquired infections, steps are being taken to change the conventional open ward model to decrease the spread of disease.

Hiring a cleaning firm that specializes in healthcare cleaning in Morgan Hills is the first step to make sure your healthcare facility stays infection-free. Terra Cleaning is a reputable company with more than fifteen years of experience in healthcare cleaning in Morgan Hill and the surrounding areas. Call us today to know our expert team can help you prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infections effectively. We are happy to put together a cleaning schedule that best suits your convenience and budget of course.

How to Choose the Best Health Care Cleaning Service in Morgan Hill

With hygiene & health being such critical factors for your medical facility, you may be thinking about how to hire the best janitorial service for your health care cleaning in Morgan Hill. There are so many important aspects to consider making sure the wellbeing of your patients and clients. Several janitorial services can be ill-equipped to manage all the challenges that appear in cleaning a health care facility. Here’s a brief overview of everything you need to look when choosing a health care cleaning service.

  • Cleaning Practices: A healthcare facility or medical is where people visit to get well, not become sicker. Lessen the risk of their illness by appointing a janitorial service that specializes in healthcare cleaning. The cleaning service must emphasize on appropriate methods to clean, disinfect, and take off any pathogens or dirt from the room; all while making your medical facility shine. Also, they should use means to avoid cross-contamination & Healthcare-Associated Infections.

  • Education: You would not put your faith in an inexpert cleaning service, especially when it is about cleaning your sensitive health care facility. The cleaning provider should be knowledgeable enough in health care facility cleaning, and up to date on the latest cleaning practices. This certainly leads to a better environment for your patients and staff.

  • Experience: Hire a medical cleaning service that possesses a minimum of 5 years of experience in this field. Ensure they train their personnel for work in a health care setting. Additional training with biohazard issues, like bloodborne pathogens, is needed of medical cleaning provider, and it is a training that not all janitorial services offer.

  • Communication: This is perhaps the most important factor to consider when looking hiring a health care cleaning service. Finding a healthcare cleaning service provider that maintains good communication with you is really important especially when you want to give emphasis to the cleanliness of any specific area of your healthcare facility. This way your concerns can also be addressed immediately by the service provider.

Being the owner or manager of a health care facility, your knowledge & understanding about the specific requirements of the medical office are the greatest asset you’ve to find the best health care cleaning service. Health care cleaning services with an insufficiently trained personnel & no insight into the extensive cleaning needed will leave your hospital facility in shambles.

So, don’t risk your health care cleaning in Morgan Hill with an inexperienced provider. Instead, get in touch with cleaning services like Terra Cleaning for reliable assistance.